Tuesday 20 November 2012

Calling All Contestants...

It's interesting to read the various book forums, book blogs and other sites dedicated to books to see the many creative ways authors will promote their books.  Many offer giveaways, some offer entire promotional packages while others still will attach their promo to a book trailer.  All I can say is "kudos" for these amazing ideas!

While I'm a big fan of the freebie giveaway, I like the idea of a financial incentive even more so to promote my book TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE, I've decided to hold a contest.  It's not the most original marketing strategy but I like it just the same - spend a little and potentially win back your initial investment with a little somthin' somethin' extra - if you answer the question correctly.  I know what some of you are thinking.  There's always gotta be a big fat "if" in the equation...and there does - if you want to make things a bit more interesting.

So this is what my initial attempt at marketing strategy looks like:


Go to Amazon’s website and download Marta Tandori’s new ebook TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE…Read it…Answer the question below correctly…and WIN!!

QUESTION:  Which singer from a famous 70’s singing group was the inspiration for the character Kate Stanton in TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE??

First Correct Entry Received:  $50 USD

Five Additional Prizes of $10 USD awarded to each contestant with the correct answer based on a first-received basis.  Only one entry per contestant.  Prizes will be awarded the day after contest closes via PayPal.

Contest Opens:  December 17, 2012

Contest Closes:  January 2, 2013

Send Answers to martatandori@gmail.com; Please put “CONTEST ENTRY” into the subject line of your email.

I guess I'll find out January 2nd whether my marketing strategy had any takers. Stay tuned for the final tally...

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